DATASET_CONNECTIONS #lines starting with a hash sign are comments, and will be ignored #fields and values should be separated using tabs, spaces or commas #use the same separator throughout the file #color and label for this dataset, which are used in the dataset list box DATASET_COLOR #ff0000 DATASET_LABEL Example connections #width of individual connection lines will be calculated from these values MINIMUM_WIDTH 1 MAXIMUM_WIDTH 5 #arrow head size. Set to 0 to disable arrows ARROW_SIZE 10 #actual data follows below the DATA line #the following fields are available: #source latitude and longitude: should be in signed degrees format (DDD.dddd) #destination latitude and longitude: should be in signed degrees format (DDD.dddd) #color: connection line color; use RGBA format if transparency is required #relative width: connection line width will be calculated from all realtive widths combined with MINIMUM_WIDTH and MAXIMUM_WIDTH DATA #source latitude,source longitude,destination latitude,destination longitude,color,relative width,label 69.8685468 18.9230053 48.37137274 -4.517594472 #00ff00 1 conn1 51.37406527 4.384371929 58.19021119 8.22628672 #ff0000 1 example2 connection 62.5242792 9.079226784 58.1456844 8.019186109 #0000ff 2