DATASET_COUNTRY #lines starting with a hash sign are comments, and will be ignored #fields and values should be separated using tabs, spaces or commas #use the same separator throughout the file #color and label for this dataset, which are used in the dataset list box DATASET_COLOR,#ff0000 DATASET_LABEL,example country #a list of fields which are defined in the DATA section for each country FIELD_LABELS,Fusobacterium,Bifidobacterium,Escherichia,Bacteroides,Eubacterium #define the gradient colors. Values in the dataset will be mapped onto the corresponding color gradient. #COLOR_MIN,#ff0000 #COLOR_MAX,#0000ff #you can specify a gradient with three colors (e.g red to yellow to green) by setting 'USE_MID_COLOR' to 1, and specifying the midpoint color #USE_MID_COLOR,1 #COLOR_MID,#ffff00 #By default, color gradients will be calculated based on dataset values. You can force different values to use in the calculation by setting the valu es below: #USER_MIN_VALUE,15 #USER_MID_VALUE 500 #USER_MAX_VALUE 1000 #actual data follows below the DATA line #first field must contain either the country name (in English), or 2 or 3 letter country ISO code #followed by numeric values for each field in FIELD_LABELS above DATA #example below specifies 5 values (for microbial genera defined in FIELD_LABELS) for Germany, U.S.A and India #DE,10,20,10,30,50 #USA,15,5,10,40,30 #India,5,15,20,35,40